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  • Writer's pictureTracey Gosselin

OnPassive The Company

This information is going out to all of those who requested more information about Onpassive.

I understand that perhaps you don't quite understand exactly what Onpassive is. This information is going to explain it to you, minus the hype... Straight facts.

First and foremost, Onpassive is an IT (Information Technology) company, not just an internet program. We now have 5 physical locations. The newest property was just obtained about 2 months ago in India. That's now 3 in India, 1 in Florida, and 1 in California. We also now have well over a thousand employees, everything from technicians to customer service.

Onpassive's Newest Building in India

The biggest question, other than financial return, might be concerning Onpassive's Products. That's actually the exciting part!

Just for a sec, think about how Microsoft changed how people use the Internet... Windows, Explorer, Office, etc. Then look at Amazon also. They changed how people shop online. I'd bet you don't know very many people online who have never shopped on Amazon. I'd also bet even more that you know of NO ONE online not using some version of Microsoft's products.

My point is that these 2 companies started with JUST AN IDEA. Now they are both TRILLION dollar companies!

Onpassive is the next BIG one!

Here comes Onpassive!

To make it as simple as possible, the CEO of Onpassive has created a platform that we project will once again change how people use the Internet. 

This includes not just 1 product, but 50 DIGITAL PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS... Meaning all built from the ground up, obviously with patents and all the Rights.

Onpassive's ecosystem - Lists SOME of the products

These products are a Marketer's Dream. Everything there is to do with marketing or running a business is on this platform. I mean EVERYTHING! Autoresponders, email cleaner, domain names, website hosting, website builder, webinar system, bulk emailer, screen capture & share technology, etc. I mean EVERYTHING!

But that's not all. Not everyone is a marketer, right? Well, imagine just for a second if social networking was made simpler and easier for you. How about let's take all the good things about Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter... Leave out the bad parts like the selling of your personal information, censorship, etc. Now roll those 3 products into one. That's just another great product on the Onpassive platform!

Onpassive's New Social Networking using AI

Do the same with YouTube. They may as well be the next "MySpace" when those video makers find out how much they can earn by switching to the new and BETTER PLATFORM for sharing their videos. It is safe to say that once YouTubers see what we have, they will be inviting their subscribers into Onpassive where they can not only continue viewing the content but EARN as well! Think about that for a minute... Would you, as a viewer, rather watch content on a platform where you earn nothing (like YouTube) or on a platform that literally pays you to use it (like Onpassive)? That's another great product!

All that I've mentioned would be enough... But there's MUCH MORE!

We also have a HOMESCHOOLING SOLUTION, designed to reach everyone from the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor. Some people may like to think of this particular product as a humanitarian service. People from around the world who couldn't afford to send their kids to school now can, especially when being a member of Onpassive. Although degrees are not yet in place, adults will also be able to learn the needed skills to get better jobs, especially in the technical fields. Another great Onpassive product!

Onpassive's new solution to education

Ok, so I've named a few Onpassive products which will ALL be on ONE PLATFORM. But keep in mind there are approximately 50 proprietary products. No doubt that more will be added in the months and years to come. Onpassive's technicians and designers are always on standby to make PROBLEM-SOLVING ideas come to life.

Needless to say, for millions (possibly BILLIONS) of internet users, Onpassive will be ALL they need. A daily routine may look like this... log in to your Onpassive platform, do some social networking with family and friends, attend a class, post or watch some videos, and check on OR market your business. Again, all on ONE platform. No longer will there be a need to log in and out of multiple accounts for your normal daily online activities. This is a CIS (Complete Internet Solution).

On a final exciting note...

It was and is a PRIORITY of our CEO that once a customer is in Onpassive he/she NEVER LEAVES Onpassive. How on earth can Onpassive be certain that no one leaves? You guessed it, NO OUT OF POCKET MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. That's right, pay once and you're done. After paying once, all future fees are deducted from earnings.

I know your next question. What if you can't refer anyone or you're not earning anything?

Good question! Included with your subscription is Onpassive's #1 product... ADVERTISING! Yes, too close out what is already truly a phenomenal business opportunity, PAID PROFESSIONALS will build your business. So, you can just sit back and do nothing... OR you can promote at your own pace STILL while the company is building your business for you. You can already guess what I'm doing, but the option is yours.

Onpassive does it all for you!

By the way, all you need is 3 paid members in your organization to be in PROFIT. That COULD happen for you within the first month or 2 with Onpassive's automatic advertising, which ALL paid members will receive.

People who never earned online before will no doubt earn with Onpassive. There is no pay cap. No limits or income cutoffs. In fact, Onpassive's top earner is estimated to earn $3 million monthly as soon as the doors are open to the general public. This is in no way an income claim. It's just a fact. This guy put in the time and effort during a 2 year pre-launch. So how much YOU earn will depend on many factors. Just know that whatever your numbers are, they will rise on a monthly basis, because theoretically, no one quits Onpassive.

After all, this member did this WITHOUT company advertising in place. Imagine if his entire group had access to automated advertising using AI (Artificial Intelligence) from the very beginning. Right, those with 0 referrals would have MANY referrals.

You can use this link to become a founder today:

Onpassive's Launch is Approaching!

Over 300,000 people have already become "GoFounders". A GoFounder is simply an early-bird to the Onpassive Income Opportunity. They have access to PRIVATE webinars where they can ask questions and receive valuable updates. Furthermore, all future customers of Onpassive MUST and WILL BE placed "beneath" a founder. If you think 300k is a large number then consider that Onpassive's target market includes 4.6 BILLION internet users. To put that number into perspective... Facebook, which is ONLY a social networking site, has ONLY reached 2 BILLION "unique" users... meaning many people have multiple accounts, which departs from their 2.6 billion accounts claim.

Just like Microsoft and Amazon, in the months and years to come, it will be extremely difficult for an internet user to avoid being a part of Onpassive. The BIG difference is that these users will actually WANT and RATHER be a part of something that literally pays them to use it. The information that has been shared on this webpage is now PUBLIC knowledge. There is much more information that can't be shared here. But this is about all that can be shared without you yourself becoming a founder.

Remember, we are scheduled to "soft launch" in December. If you'd like to become a founder, your time is short. Founders will be getting traffic during the testing phase in December. Again, as a founder, you will also be able to attend private weekly webinars where you will receive updates and can ask questions to the CEO and Leadership Council members. But most importantly, as a founder, you will be ahead of over 4 billion internet users who haven't heard of Onpassive yet.

Again, this is also your option:)

Update: Currently (as of December 16, 2020) there are over 369,715 founders. 1k - 2k new founders are registering daily. After full launch, there will likely be 1k + joining hourly. Being that our target market is 4.6 billion internet users, there is plenty of room for growth for EVERYONE.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions at all.

Stay Safe,

Tracey Gosselin

Join Here

Calgary, Canada

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